

I am

Sometimes I don’t have much to say.

In silence I stand watching the world around me.

Not much to say as I disappear into my mind and think before I say something.

But, at the same time I like the quite moments when no one is making a sound.

And all is quiet

As if everyone is sleeping and I’m up just enjoying the world for what it is.

The moon shining down on me as the noise of the world start to fade as we all become so tired that our eyes can’t bare to stay open for another moment.

So quite it is as the music plays in my ears and nothing outside or around me can be heard and, I’m at peace and I’m at home.

With no care in the world I welcome the quite moments and, fade into the world where no ones else voice is heard.

For just a moment I find the missing pieces of who I am and, I thank the quite for granted me the truth I need to see.



Written By: Deirdre Stokes
