
To be

Strong when all you want to do is crawl up in a corner.

To let tears, flow when you can’t hold it all in anymore.

To love unconditionally and hope they will come out alright after you did all you could to nurture them.

To laugh and learn all there is without a manuscript insight but, have so many compliments about what a great job you did.

I would say that these are just a couple things I have seen a great mother do.

For all the things as a child that annoyed me or enlighten me it all stayed with me and made me realize I am who I am because my mother did the best she could.

And her best made me know that I got all I needed to become a good woman and one day a good mother too.

Written By: Deirdre Stokes
Copyright ©️ 2020 By Deirdre Stokes


A stroll through life with my mother!

My mother has been there for me

Every step I take in life.

From the day I was born to my first word, step.

And as I started to take my first stroll through

Life my mother was there, with great nurture.

My mother taught me to trust myself and know I am

Beautiful because God made me this way and to be strong.

And  to embrace who I am.

Even though I have strolled through my childhood, teenage years and I am now an adult.

I still enjoy strolling through my memories and present moments with my mother.

I am grateful to be able to take strolls through life with her, even shared those strolls with my sisters.

I will not ever stop wanting to share these strolls with my mother, for she brings great joy to me.

Love you Mom.

Happy mother’s day to everyone!


Written By: Deirdre Stokes


Daily Prompt: Stoll