


100 Word Wednesday: Week 47

Why is it that every time we go on vacation that I’m planning everything and trying make the trip fun.

And while I’m doing all the work what are you doing?

Taking selfies and not new and unique ones just the same old pose as every pic I see on your Facebook .

For once I just wish you would take the time to enjoy everything that is going on around you and just put your phone down and live a little.

For sometimes these moments only happen once in a life time.


Written By: Deirdre Stokes



Daily Prompt: One-way


Sometimes there is only one way out of the situation that you are in

and sometimes to be on the right path you have to put your blinders on and not look at the things that are distractions.

The one way path may not be the way for everyone because your path sometimes turn down a different path that can lead to many great options for you to choose from.

But, in the end you will travel down one road for the rest of your life and every now and then there will be bumps in the road.

And new chances will come your way and maybe it’s best to have a little faith and do what is best for you.


Written By: Deirdre Stokes

Daily Prompt: One-way


Daily Prompt: Bite


Bite size food is for little kids but sometimes as an adult you just want to enjoy something small for a change.

To bite into something you been craving feels like heaven when it melts on your tongue

To bite someone when you’re a baby is just you trying to relieve the pain of teething and not just for people but for dogs too.

Until you learn or they learn it’s not nice to bite the one’s you love.


Written By: Deirdre Stokes

Daily Prompt: Bite


Daily Prompt: Knit


I want to knit you something for the holiday

and I need to be quick for the days are going by fast.

Soon Christmas will be here and I just know you will love my gift, I’m going to knit you a hat and a scarf and maybe some gloves too.

I want them to match and be your favorite color too that way you will love them not just because I made them but because they look great too.


Written By: Deirdre Stokes

Daily Prompt: Knit


Bright and early


Week 95 of Three Line Tales.

photo by Tobias Keller via Unsplash


You’ll find full guidelines on the TLT page – here’s the tl;dr:

  • Write three lines inspired by the photo prompt (& give them a title if possible).
  • Link back to this post (& check the link shows up under the weekly post).
  • Tag your post with 3LineTales (so everyone can find you in the Reader).
  • Read and comment on other TLT participants’ lines.


Bright and early we take a ride to round-up all the cattle and move them to the south side of the farm, no I don’t enjoy these bright and early mornings but it’s just the way life is. 

I get up early every other day with my brothers and we work around the ranch until it’s all done and we always find a moment to laugh and have a good time. 

We appreciate the things that were given to us and we try our hardest to work hard to keep the ranch a float, we do all we can and well this year has been hard but we wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. 


Written By: Deirdre Stokes



The Daily Prompt: Mercy


To have mercy on someone who has done you wrong, sometimes is hard for all you want to do is be nasty right back at them and not forgive them at all.

But, then you think two wrongs won’t make a right and the right thing to do is forgive them and move on.

For if they lie once who knows if they will lie again, but you don’t let them keep you distracted for long.

For you have so much to look forward too that the world that seems to be throwing the hard times at you isn’t trying to break you and let you stay down but in a way it’s having mercy on you.

For God will give you for your sins but it is up to you to change your ways and even if you don’t believe you know what’s wrong and what’s right and to have mercy on others is probably for the best for you never know when you need someone else to forgive you.


Written By: Deirdre Stokes

Daily Prompt: Mercy


Daily Prompt: Gremlins


It was like every other day of her life but today was the day that he decided to have a problem with her at work.

She tried to get to the bottom of why he had such a nasty attitude towards her but he said the problem he felt could not be easily be explained with her words and so he decided his actions would be better.

But, the way he was acting didn’t explain anything to her other than maybe he needed a couple of days off for the stress of the job was slowly getting to him now that the holidays were right around the corner.


Written By: Deirdre Stokes

Daily Prompt: Gremlins