confidence coaching tips/opinions, Uncategorized

Happy International Women’s Day!


Today I launch my website and Facebook group “Release Your Pain, Embrace Your Confidence”, in honor of the women who need confidence and their voice to be heard.

For I want to help them grow in self-love and confidence and find away to express themselves and feel comfortable in their own skin and Embrace that they are so much more than what others have said to them in the past and the present.

I, too, used to be so quiet that I was passed by or not seen because I didn’t want the attention if I spoke up you would see my flaws and my struggles and see where my smile didn’t reach my eyes.

You would see I was just a woman trying to get by. I was a woman trying to blend within the crowd because I wasn’t what society said I should look like. But with a life coach and doing the hard work, I found my self-love and confidence. I enhanced my voice and allowed myself to be seen, and I allowed change to happen in me and changed my body and soul. But don’t get me wrong, I have fears, and stepping up is scary and honest, but I’m doing it anyway, for I only have one life to live, and I know I can’t ignore this feeling and meaning to be more for others and myself.

Spiritually I continue to grow and mentally too and physically I still have work to do but I do it for me and those who are struggling too.

I want to help, and I will, and it will take time for trust and growth, too, but the women who need me will find me, and together, we will celebrate not just today but every moment God gives us!

I know this post is a long one but if you made it this far, here are the links to my website if you are a woman who would like to join my private and safe haven Facebook group to “Release your pain, Embrace your Confidence” with other women then send me a request on Facebook and let’s work together to make a change!




I want to thank you, Lord

When I think I don’t know what to do next

You show me just what I need, and the peace and your love guide me.

I can’t help but smile and move through my day as if I’m floating on air.

To feel so free and right and know that if someone steps in my way, I will sidestep them and keep moving.

For I am unstoppable now, and I don’t want to go back as I let go of the last couple of days and just enjoy this day.

A day wrapped in your warmth and love, and I know this is the start I needed to come back stronger and wiser than before.

Written By: Deirdre Stokes Copyrighted ©️ 2023 By Deirdre Stokes


Recognize me


Through my words

Through my pain

Through my fears

Through my strength

As I show up even when I don’t want too and it be the best thing I did.

As the doubt washes away and I let go and have fun and open up.

I realized I couldn’t live in my shadows anymore, for I saw myself for the first time.

And I don’t want to hide anymore, not when I’ve finally sparked the fire inside me that won’t die out because I’m being my authentic self.

To be this open, I know, is a risk, but there is no going back for me now, and I hope and pray I will make it.

I know I’m not the only one believing in me now, and with their support, I can make it to the finish line, but for now, I will accept the present so I have a future to look forward to.

Written By: Deirdre Stokes Copyrighted ©️ 2023 By Deirdre Stokes


You give me


grace and the space to step out of the noise and into the light

You give me clarity when I am stuck and in a corner of doubt, and the ability to get out is not something I can do alone.

So there you are, always helping me out and pushing me back in the right direction.

So when the right words just aren’t coming out, I want to say I pause and call to you every time.

But I don’t, but when it’s piled up so high I can’t see the mess beyond, I call to you and then the words come to me.

I know I should call out before things get bad and sometimes I do, but I am only human and sometimes I forget to do what’s best for me first.

Just know you ‘re always on my mind and I feel I’m getting better at reaching out to you for the pieces of me that are good is because of you Lord.

Written By: Deirdre Stokes
Copyrighted ©️ 2021 By Deirdre Stokes


I can’t


Hide from what I want anymore

I can no longer sit on the sidelines and hope someone will notice me.

I am worthy of the spotlight if that is something I want.

I know this path I am on will not be easy, but it will be freeing.

I know not where I will end up, but I know it will be a blessing to get through it because God will be guiding me.

And I’ve chosen to have more faith in myself and him this year as I go where I feel he needs me to go.

Written By: Deirdre Stokes
Copyrighted ©️ 2021 By Deirdre Stokes


Like a


 Week 242 of Three Line Tales.

photo by Sunyu via Unsplash

fox you sneaked into my life and at first I was a little worried for you barely said a word just watched me with your curious eyes.

As we got closer I realize the hesitant you had made when we first met was because you had seen something in me and it scared you.

For you knew there was more to come from this friendship that would last longer than you thought was possible, I will always be grateful for you sneaking into my life and stealing a piece of my heart.

Written By: Deirdre Stokes
Copyrighted ©️ 2020 By Deirdre Stokes



Photo by Harley-Davidson on Unsplash

we ride

Together we laugh

and sometimes we cry.

But, brothers for life we know that even

at our weakest moments we have each other back.

We have learned a lot going down this path together

For we realized that this life style isn’t for everyone.

And that as long as we talk it out and about it

no misunderstandings will happen.

Nothing can come between us

When we have put it all out on the table.

We will continue to grow and settle down with someone special some day

but I know as long as we can ride together it will continue this way.

Written By: Deirdre Stokes
Copyrighted ©️ 2020 By Deirdre Stokes


To feel


Like it’s too soon to reach out to you again.

Even though being around you is like experiencing Christmas every day.

Your words are as sweet as chocolate and every time you say something I melt a little more.

You’re always so cheerful and jolly, like a good Christmas song.

You’re like the warmth of a fire I just want to be near on a chilly day.

You ‘re like a fan on an overly hot day, keeping me cool as the temperature keeps going up.

Your my marshmallows in my hot chocolate making an already sweet drink sweeter.

Your a nice night on the town, an memory worth cherishing.

Nothing about you is forgettable and for that I am so grateful.

For I know like every season I look forward to seeing you and experiencing the changes that come my way.

Written By: Deirdre Stokes
Copyright ©️ 2020 By Deirdre Stokes


You’ve always

Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

Been my rock through these tough times.

Just one hug

Just one kiss

Just one look

And everything that seemed too much no longer matters.

For you know how to calm me down and when to get loud with me on the subject.

You listen and only once I’m done do you give me your opinion.

You try to be non-bias when I recap something for you.

For you always want to see the good in people and when it doesn’t work.

You drop the bullshit and move on.

Your always making sure everyone is good before you take care of yourself.

You will always be a part of my happiest moments.

For every begins and ends with you.

Written By: Deirdre Stokes
Copyright ©️ 2020 By Deirdre Stokes


Oh how


You are always on my mind and always in my heart.

You are my guide through this all.

And lately I haven’t been my best and yet you have stayed by my side.

For you are my God and through it all I truly know I can overcome it all.

Especially when I am a mess and nothing seems to make sense but when I let go.

And wake up the next day you always deliver just what I need.

And for that I am so grateful and I know through the struggles.

You will be there and I accept the hard times because when it’s easy it always feels like something missing.

The struggle make somethings so clear and true.

And for that I am thankful and light right now as nothing holds me back.

Written By: Deirdre Stokes
Copyright ©️ 2020 By Deirdre Stokes


You are


the only one I can’t seem to shake

The only one I can’t see doing anything mean.

The one who does good and stays focus on the things that matter.

And maybe I’m not used to that because I’ve let myself get distracted by everything that is not right.

And now I don’t know what to do with you because I’ve never been in this situation before.

For your different and your full of light and the darkness isn’t something that seems to be gaining on you.

And lately I’ve felt so angry and well the darkness has swallowed me whole and thinking of you.

Has slowly but surely brought me out and today I will do better for me and you.

Written By: Deirdre Stokes
Copyright ©️ 2020 By Deirdre Stokes


Why is


It that the little bit you give me

Just isn’t enough and when you make me feel.

This way it’s more frustrating than pleasant.

Am I getting too much inside my head that I am missing what my heart is saying?

Will this struggle ever end?

Or will I have to say the words I’ve been trying to hold in this whole time?

Too afraid to share for rejection has been more of a friend to me than being accepted for all of me.

Will you see me as others do?

Or will you be different?

Written By: Deirdre Stokes
Copyright ©️ 2020 By Deirdre Stokes


To be


Strong when all you want to do is crawl up in a corner.

To let tears, flow when you can’t hold it all in anymore.

To love unconditionally and hope they will come out alright after you did all you could to nurture them.

To laugh and learn all there is without a manuscript insight but, have so many compliments about what a great job you did.

I would say that these are just a couple things I have seen a great mother do.

For all the things as a child that annoyed me or enlighten me it all stayed with me and made me realize I am who I am because my mother did the best she could.

And her best made me know that I got all I needed to become a good woman and one day a good mother too.

Written By: Deirdre Stokes
Copyright ©️ 2020 By Deirdre Stokes




in my feelings day after day.

As I sit here thinking about well everything but mostly about you.

Not that I know what to say to all that at this moment of time.

I know that I am running on empty right now as I sit here trying to deny what is going on right now as I feel slightly confused.

But, every time I receive something from you it brings a smile to my face and it really doesn’t matter what it is.

The smile appears and it doesn’t leave for every thought of you brings it back as if our time together is well timeless.

Written By: Deirdre Stokes
Copyright ©️ 2020 By Deirdre Stokes


I needed


This moment to appreciate all I have and may get later.

Tired is my body and hungry is my soul.

I crave the words that come from stories and books.

I crave the sound of music and can’t wait to hear the beat.

The words that stay with me forever.

I crave the sleep that I will gain once I lay down in bed.

I appreciate the one that helps me through it all and not just for today.

I know I’m ready to be near him and to know this struggle was worth it for I am worth it.

Written By: Deirdre Stokes
Copyright ©️ 2020 By Deirdre Stokes